Covid19 – Is your Business Affected or Infected?
Is it time for learning together to make a comeback?
Managing Remotely? These are the Superpowers you need!
About Us
Teams are your most important asset.
Success lies in their cohesion and connectedness.
Invest there.

If you are going to gather with a group of colleagues all at the same time, make sure it’s worthwhile, effective and fun!

Jim Rohn said :”Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time” If you are going to spend time learning, innovating, strategizing or reflecting, make sure you get a return on that investment of time. At People Power we design, facilitate, host and deliver great experiences that allow people and companies to innovate and grow.

If you are not actively engaged, participating, figuring things out for yourself and having fun you are wasting the most precious resource you have, time. We specialise in great strategy, learning, change and innovation experiences using the best virtual and face to face platforms, business simulations and tools together with over 20 years of facilitation experience.

Building Business Acumen
We have some of the most compelling business simulations for the virtual or face-to-face space to help you create a shared language and gut-feel understanding of the way your business makes money. Our custom and ready-to-run programmes cover many business arenas and range from basic business acumen & financial understanding to high level strategy simulations.
Driving Diversity & Inclusion

Diverse teams outperform ones that are not diverse, but only when everyone is able to make a contribution and bring their unique voice to the conversation. Our interactive inclusive leadership programme is a powerful way of building this core leadership skill in your leadership and teams.

Making Better Decisions

Decision making is an absolutely critical skill for leaders and managers to cultivate, yet it is almost never taught as a capability. Our Decision Making programme will help your leaders hone their decision making skills and capabilities in a fun and interactive way, but based on the very best scientific principles.

Innovation and Human Centred Design
In times of rapid change the ability to rapidly move from design challenge, via customer empathy to new solutions and prototypes to test and launch is not only fun and engaging but also crucial to survival.  We have a series of business simulations and interactive learning programmes – as well as multi-day – Design Thinking sprint programmes to help your leaders and teams understand and benefit from the power of Human Centred Design and Innovation.
Remote Management Skills

As teams and organisations move to a hybrid and even fully remote way of working, many leaders are facing the need to develop new skills to manage remote teams. We have developed an interactive learning journey designed to equip leaders and teams with the mindsets, skills and capabilities to manage remotely.

Change Leadership

Not only is the world changing fast, but the rate of change seems to be increasing every month and every day. It is not enough to be able to generate new ideas & solutions – you need to take the organisation with you. Our interactive change leadership simulation places you in the middle of a do-or-die change initiative and equips your teams and leaders with the change leadership mindsets, skills and tools they need.

Custom Learning and strategy programmes
Are you facing a business or strategy challenge that requires PeoplePower and the engagement of your leaders and teams? We can design and deliver a powerful and interactive learning programme for your unique needs to be delivered virtually or face to face.
Business Transformation and Strategy

In times of global transformation old conceptions of strategy and business re-organisation don’t keep up with the rate and depth of change required. We need a new breed to strategy coach and a new kind of organisation. We need to build Transformational Companies that are able to constantly review their way of making money and embrace the next frontiers of business models and ways of working. We can help you not only find your strategic “next” but also help your leaders and teams become strategy coaches.

Business Coaching

Sometimes you need a new perspective on your journey – a space to reflect on your strengths and opportunities and to flex your capabilities and challenge your mindset. I serve on various corporate coaching panels and have a great track record of working with senior leaders to open new avenues of growth and opportunity.

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